Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thank You!

Today I have a thank you card to share, and it's fitting as I'd like to say thank you for the lovely comments you have left!  Papercrafting people are definitely the best people!

The card I'm sharing was a thank you for a friend who did a special thing.  She gifted me with an adorable necklace from Brighton that I dearly wanted but couldn't afford.  She surprised (shocked) me with it for my birthday this year, and I wanted to make her a special, pink-y card (her favorite color) to say thanks.  (Forgive the photography--there was a time I couldn't get my photo studio thingee set up!)

It had been so long since I made a card I was a little nervous, but it's like getting on a bicycle, right?  You never forget.  I was really inspired by the patterned paper--so fun and yet soft.  Thanks for stopping by!

paper:  Aunt Gertie's Kitchen (I think it's SEI, but I'm not sure); Girl's Paperie--Whimsy; PTI--Fine Linen
ink:  Versacolor--Brown, Bamboo; PTI--Berry Sorbet; Ranger--Antique Linen Distress Ink
stamps:  PTI--All About You, Fresh Alphabet, Fillable Frames #11; Verve--Thankful Accents, Bloom and Grow
dies:  PTI--Mat Stack 3 regular and layerz or mega (which ever one's next in size)
misc.:  circle punch--E.K. Success; Corner Rounder; sewing machine; ribbon--Ellen Hutson; Embossing Powder--Filigree Clear; Distress Stickles in Picket Fence--Ranger


June K said...

Pretty card, Jill. Nice selection and coordination of paper, too.

Carolyne Aarsen said...

Love how you mixed and matched all those papers! And the more I see of the Mat Stack die, the more I think I should get it.

Suzanne said...

Jill, we've missed you!! Though I understand how busy you must be. I am sending prayers and hugs for you and your family. I hope you're finding time for yourself, too.

How exciting that you received a necklace you had been wanting for so long. What a sweet friend.

Joyce said...

Such a beautiful card. I'm sure your friend will love it. How nice to get a Brighton necklace--I really love that brand, too.

Anne B said...

So great to see you back, Jill. Sorry to hear about your Mom but it was really good to hear that she's improved and that you have some extra support.

Love the mixy-matchy card which I'm sure your friend will appreciate :)

carol (krillsister) said...

Lovely card. Love the flower as the focal point. the pattern papers complement each other really well.

Lisa Elton said...

What a fun and whimsical selection of papers Jill! This colorful card will "brighten" (ha ha get it!!) her day!!!

Sara Mac said...

Beautiful card Jill! Love the mix of papers. I'm so glad to see you posting again!

Taheerah said...

Lovely card Jill, I love those strips of different patterned papers, tied in so many colours beautifully together! Thanks so much for leaving some love on my blog!

Michelle Philippi said...

Better than getting back on a bicycle...way easier...no matter how much older you have gotten or how much weight you have gained since the last time you rode a bike....but that's just me...*giggles* I love that you did the coordinating envelope.

Jill Norwood said...

I have been paging back through your posts and just had to comment one more time to say how beautiful all of your cards are! I love all of the special touches you put into each one Jill! They truly are lovely!!!

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