Aren't those Life of the Party papers scrumptious! I think I've used them three times already and I just got the pad a few weeks ago (and haven't had much crafting time)! To make the flower embellishment, I combined a doily die cut from Papertrey Ink, a crocheted flower from Frog Feathers , and a brad from K & Co. And the stamp is from a new-to-me company, Clear & Simple Stamps. I love challenges where I can combine elements from different companies to make something unique. :-)
Stamps: Clear & Simple Stamps--Friend
Paper: PTI--Rustic White, Aqua Mist; My Mind's Eye--Lime Twist Life of the Party
Ink: PTI--Dark Chocolate; Embossing Powder--Filigree Clear
Misc.: Die--PTI Doily Details; Crocheted Flower--Frog Feathers; Brad--K & Co.; Decorative Scissors--Fiskars; Flower Punch--Fiskars; Pearls--Recollections; Corner Chomper
So bright and fun! Love that flower Jill!
This is absolutely gorgeous! Love all the details and the crocheted flower is the perfect addition! Gorgeous! :)
Such a fun card, Jill! You really knocked this sketch out of the park! :)
Oh Jill, this is so pretty! Love the papers, doilies and you rocked that sketch!
Very pretty card. Love your doily embellishment. The colors on the paper are delicious.
Dang - if I had used a pack of paper 3 times that I only got a few weeks ago, then I would be stoked with my progress! :) What a fun & funky card, Miss Jilly!
Those papers are too fabby for words...
totally in love!
And your crocheted embellie...
It's all perfect and I just love it!!
Love the vintage feel to this. That crocheted flower is wonderful.So glad you could join us on Card Patterns this week!
Wow... I thought that the doily was crocheted until I saw your details...
This is sucj a bright and happy card. I love that PP!
really cute
Gorgeous card, just lovely.
Goodness, GRACIOUS! I'm loving your card at first site, I'll tell you THAT! Great job with the Card Patterns sketch - it's easy to see that it was a wonderful fit for you! So glad you shared this with Card Patterns this week!
WOW Jill, that flower embellishment you made is FABULOUS! I really love this card, great colors and patterns and design!
Oh my! Jill that wonderful doily crochet flowered number is amazing! I just adore the strip placement of the pp too. Gosh such darling card. The joyous time you had crafty this card is card is totally evident in the magical end product. Awesome!
I love this card! It's so bright and fun. What great use of patterned paper!!
Jill......This is one of my favorites of yours! Love those colors and papers.......and OMG that PP is so, so awesome!!! The whole thing is just beautiful!
Really gorgeous :) Love the colors!
Love the patterned paper!
Pretty, pretty, pretty...kinda reminds me of a quilt at a county fair :)
That doily diecut looks crocheted too!! That is fabulous! Very pretty!
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